Job ID: ID-751998 (910790312)

Part-Time/Remote Core Developer with SSMS, SQL, Visual Studio, PII, CBAS experience

Location: Boise ID (Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections)
Duration: 9 Months

Advanced experience with Visual Studio 2017/2019/2022 Required 5 Years
Advanced experience with SQL Management Studio (SSMS) 2019/2022 Required 5 Years
Advanced experience with development in ASP.Net w/C#, and .NET CORE on IIS Required 5 Years
Advanced experience with APIs Required 5 Years
Advanced experience with application development tied to SQL Server database Required 5 Years
Exceptional communication skills are required for this position. Required

Job Description:
The Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections (IDJC) is seeking a highly skilled and experienced software developer to provide maintenance, debugging and development upgrades to its CBAS web-based application. This is NOT a full-time position.


1 – This is NOT a full-time position.It’s expected that this position will be part-time with the first few weeks (2 – 4 weeks) requiring an estimation of 10 – 15 hours / week depending on time needed to thoroughly understand the code they’re working with and work to be done. Following the initial 2- 4 weeks, the time needed for on-going maintenance and debugging could vary above or below those hours each week, just depending on workload.
2 – While the role is not full-time and hours worked will be flexible for most maintenance(able to be done outside of normal business hours), the contractor will need to be available (reachable and able to promptly respond) via phone and email during normal business hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mountain Time, Mondays throughFridays, for any questions/issues that may arise related to the work they’re doing on the system. They must also be able to attend any required meetings with the IDJC team as needed during normal business hours.
3 – Contractor will need to use their own laptop/equipment. Candidates must have a dedicated home office/workspace that is conducive to productive work. This includes a reliable high-speed internet connection and a personal Windows computer that meets the necessary hardware and software requirements (latest Windows OS and Virus software) to support the development environment. Laptop/PC must have minimum RAM and hard drive to be able to run Visual Studio, a local instance of SQL Server, IIS, and Remote Desktop (RDP) concurrently.
4 – Contract Duration – The initial funding approved is expected to cover approximately 180 hours of work to be used during the calendar year listed within the requisition. As hours worked will vary week-to-week, the actual end date of the engagement will be determined by when the funding is depleted, and if the client is able to procure additional funding to extend beyond the initial 180-hour period of time.

The Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections (IDJC) is seeking a highly skilled and experienced software developer to provide maintenance, debugging and development upgrades to its CBAS web-based application.
Individuals will initially work with IDJC IT staff to get the development environment setup then the contractor will transition to work independently for most work required.
The CBAS Application was written using C# and ASP.NET, tied to an SQL database. It is essentially a management system wherein funding from IDJC to Juvenile Probation (JP) and community providers is requested, granted, or rejected and tracked. The funding is typically used for treatment (behavioral health) services for juveniles and families being supervised by JP.

Major functions of the web bases CBAS Application are:
IDJP personnel have CBAS accounts specific to their level of use and are able to request funding in the CBAS Application
IDJC and JP are able to track expenditures and balances in the CBAS Application
JP is able to submit invoices to IDJC through the CBAS Application
JP is able to request extensions of dates of requested funding and is able also to request additional funding in Application
IDCJ and JP are able to generate reports in the CBAS Application
IDJC and JP are able to perform user account management in the CBAS Application (including but not limited to adding providers, adding treatment types, changing passwords, adding new users and updating user information)
Resource in this role will provide maintenance on CBAS Application as a whole including ‘debugging’ and remove glitches in the invoice upload/processing. The reimbursement/payment process will be the initial area of focus. Details related to this initial area of focus will be provided by IDJC Program Specialist.

Additionally, some approved authorizations are not accessible through normal search functions, so the Open/approved funding authorizations process needs to be evaluated and ‘debugged’ to allow all Open authorizations to be located through normal search processes.
At a minimum, the contractor in this role must have at least five (5) years of experience working with the following:
· Visual Studio 2017/2019/2022
· SQL Server Management Studio 2019/2022
· SQL Database; Visual Studio/C#.NET/ASP.NET Core; IIS; and writing Application Programming Interface and creating reports.

This is NOT a full-time position. It’s expected that this position will be part-time with the first few weeks (2 – 4 weeks) requiring an estimation of 10 – 15 hours / week depending on time needed to thoroughly understand the code they’re working with and work to be done. Following the initial 2- 4 weeks, the time needed for on-going maintenance and debugging could vary above or below those hours each week, just depending on workload. While the role is not full-time and hours worked will be flexible for most maintenance, the contractor will need to at least be available (reachable and able to promptly respond) via phone and email during normal business hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mountain Time, Mondays through Fridays, or for any questions/issues that may arise related to the work they’re doing on the system. They must also be able to attend any required meetings with the IDJC team as needed during normal business hours.
CONTRACT DURATION: The initial funding approved for this role is expected to cover approximately 180 hours of work for the selected contractor. The end date listed for the requisition and engagement is just the period of time in which these hours can be worked – the actual end date will be determined by when the funding is depleted, and if the client is able to procure additional funding to extend beyond the initial 180-hour period of time.
Notes About CBAS Application Overall Operational Requirements:
Focus of this role will be on maintaining the CBAS Application, and the system itself is required to be operational so that it is accessible by IDJC & JP departments during the hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mountain time, Monday through Friday, fifty-two (52) weeks per year. The CBAS Application may only be down daily for maintenance, including but not limited to backups and automated tasks, during the hours of 5 p.m. to 6 a.m. Mountain time. It can also be down during the hours of 6 p.m. Friday up to 7 a.m. Mountain time on Monday.
PII Information Handling
There is personally identifiable information (PII) and personal health information (PHI) within the CBAS Application. The Contractor must not allow disclosure of any PII or PHI outside of the pre-approved personnel. If IDJC requires any software upgrades the upgrades provided by the contractor must protect against release of PII and PHI. Related to handling PII and PHI: The Contractor must comply with any IDJC and state of Idaho privacy policies, state law and federal law, and must sign an NDA on the first day of providing services to IDJC.



Part-Time/Remote Core Developer with SSMS, SQL, Visual Studio, PII, CBAS experience

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