Posting ID UT-54146 (99990613)
Java Full Stack Web Developer with responsive design, ADA/Section 508, data analysis, JavaScript, Oracle, IntelliJ, Spring MVC, jQuery, Angular.js and PL/SQL experience
Duration: 12 months
Positions3 (3/3)
Location: Salt Lake City UT (DTS/DWS)
Full stack web developer with expertise in the development of websites and applications. Designs, configures, diagnoses, repairs, upgrades, and optimizes technical solutions in selected discipline(s) at a master technical level. The project will directly involve strong internet web programming, responsive design expertise, ADA/Section 508 design expertise, Longitudinal Data Analysis expertise, JavaScript expertise, Java Web Application expertise, and Oracle RBDMS knowledge.
Project Description
The WEB Team is a shared services team that provides support for both internet and intranet applications for the Department of Workforce Services (DWS). They enhance and maintain the websites and applications for both internal and external customers for DWS. Application size ranges from small to large. The team provides programming support for all DWS web projects.
The Web Operational Business Case funds the monthly production break/fix, defects, and small enhancements to the internal and external websites. Additionally, it funds security requirements, accessibility requirements, server and database patches, and infrastructure requirements and keeps the websites and applications production ready. Finally, it ensures that all aspects of the software development life cycle are followed
Scoring Criteria
18% Expert Skill Level – Java web development using IntelliJ IDE.
18% Expert Skill Level – Java application development using Spring MVC
17% Expert Skill Level – JavaScript, JQuery, and Angular
17% Expert Skill Level – Oracle database development using TOAD or SQL Developer and Oracle PL/SQL stored procedure development30% COST
Total 100%