Job ID: TN-63093 (911090802)

Remote/Local Java Developer (JCL must 12+) DB2, SQL, SQL, sFTP, Linux, Maven, Spring Boot, Bitbucket, Winscp, Git Bash experience

Location: Knoxville, TN (HSDA)
Duration: 10 Months

Skills Database DB2 Advanced DB2 or other Relational Database experience. Minimum 2 years of experience in a real-world environment. Novice (1-3 Years) Yes
Skills Languages Java Minimum 2 years of experience in a real-world environment Novice (1-3 Years) Yes
Skills Languages SQL Advanced SQL Experience. Minimum 2 years of experience in a real-world environment. Novice (1-3 Years) Yes
Skills Operating Systems Linux Basic Linux commands. Minimum 2 years of experience in a real-world environment. Novice (1-3 Years) Yes
Skills Others Multiple – Heavily Desired Maven; Spring Boot; Bitbucket; Bamboo; Winscp; Git Bash Novice (1-3 Years) No
Skills Others Job Control Language (JCL) JCL (Job Control Language) used in execution of batch jobs. Minimum 2 years of experience in a real-world environment. Novice (1-3 Years) Yes
Skills Others Advanced Secure File Transfer Advanced Secure File Transfer experience. Minimum 2 years of experience in a real-world environment. Novice (1-3 Years) Yes

Must have the following knowledge and experience:

Generally on all of the following minimum 2 years of experience in a real-world environment and not to include school projects, etc.
Java Development
JCL (Job Control Language) used in execution of batch jobs
Advanced DB2 or other Relational Database experience
Advanced Secure File Transfer experience
Advanced SQL Experience
Basic Linux Commands

Heavily Desired. Some experience with:
Spring Boot,
Git Bash
Most importantly

Initiative and willingness to work independently and within a team to problem solve even things not seen before.


Remote/Local Java Developer (JCL must 12+) DB2, SQL, SQL, sFTP, Linux, Maven, Spring Boot, Bitbucket, Winscp, Git Bash experience

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