Job ID: CO-FR95112 (915090301)
Remote Azure DevOps Engineer with work items, area paths, TFS, script/code writing and REST API experience
Location: Denver, CO OIT
Duration:12 Months
Education Others DevOps Advanced (7-9 Years) Yes
Technical skill set required:
Familiarity with Azure DevOps migration tool options
Familiarity with Azure DevOps work items (area paths, etc)
Familiarity with TFS on-prem data, whether apis or direct sql data access
Familiarity with basic script/code writing and rest api calls
Experienced in application of organization or enterprise-wide set of disciplines for the planning, analysis, design, testing, construction, and migration to or implementation of information systems or networks.
Design and implement the design of complex business systems. Ability to develop and implement data warehouses, client/server applications, web applications with tools such as C, Linux/Unix, Oracle, Microsoft Access, PLSQL, Designer 2000, HTML, Active X, ODBC compliant databases, Java, JavaScript, Crystal Reports, Visual Basic, reporting tools, structured and object oriented development techniques. Ability to be flexible, work well under pressure, and adhere to work plans.
Statement of Work:
MVP 1.0 Azure DevOps Governance Model
● Develop documentation & guidance pertaining to implementing and managing an Azure
DevOps governance model/framework
● Develop documentation that defines, step by step, every state within the SDLC/SSDLC
and the process to delivery software at OIT
● Develop a RACI for all roles and activities within the SSDLC with instructions on how to
set up corresponding permissions, and restrictions in Azure DevOps across Boards,
Repos, Pipelines and Artifacts for each role.